Awards,  BAOTY

Linda Parker wins Business Analyst of the Year 2019

I am very happy to say on 24th September 2019 I won Business Analyst of the Year and was presented with the award by Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson.

As I said at the time…

“In the past, this award has been won by business analysts from Wales and England so it feels pretty good to see it come to Scotland this year.

As a winner, I now have the opportunity to be involved in the London conference next year which means I can continue to give something back to the business analyst community. This is in addition to chairing a committee organising a business analysis festival in Edinburgh in June 2020. I was already very inspired by reaching the final last year, winning this year will help enormously with all of these projects and will hopefully inspire others.

I submitted my application form back in July, this required me to answer seven questions covering various aspects of being a BA. This included providing background on the project I’ve been working on throughout the last year – Landlord Registration – my role within this project, new techniques, or concepts I’ve used and how I’ve provided support to others within the RoS BA community and wider within Scotland. It also included three questions based on personal qualities applied to supporting stakeholders, business understanding and analytical thinking – it was particularly important that I conveyed how I display these skills within my own role.

The application form is only the first part, this was followed by a panel interview which took place in London. Nine finalists were selected for interview this year and we all attended the BA conference in September, where the winner was announced. The award was presented by the first keynote speaker, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson (11-times Paralympic champion!), which was perfect for me given my recent found love for long distance running.

Over the course of the three day conference I attended various workshops and heard from lots of inspiring key speakers, I event presented a couple of times myself. The conference is a great opportunity to network with other BAs, to learn from each other and share fresh ideas.”

Linda Parker, European Business Analyst of the Year 2019

For the original article, please visit BA Times website.

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