The impossible time-travelling BA
In November 2019, along with my husband, Michael Christon, a gifted presenter and successful business trainer – (yes, I’m bias, but he is good!) – we gave a presentation to the Scottish chapter of IIBA UK.
Michael already had a great reputation with the chapter having given many entertaining evenings of learning and insight at IIBA meetings. And this one was no different, with a catchy title of “The impossible time-travelling BA” and taking inspiration from Doctor Who both in content and imagery, it was a fun and enlightening session for all.
This was the introduction…
A wise man once said “The future has a way of arriving unannounced” …but not for the wise BA!
What if you could see the vastness of a whole project in a mere glimpse? What if you could walk through time and survey an entire strategy, vision or road map from the side, from above, from in front, from behind? What if you could step your users through it too?
This is not about time-management because that is impossible. No-one can manage time. It will inevitably tick by regardless of what you say or do …however, you can navigate it and be wise in time. Even a master of it …perhaps even your very own Time Lord!
Join us in Edinburgh on the 14th November for the return of Michael Christon, a much-enjoyed presenter at IIBA who always delivers an entertaining evening of learning and insight. Better still, he will be joined by special guest, Linda Parker, European BA of the Year 2019 and true exponent of what Dr Who once called ‘wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff’. Together they will lead you on a practical journey through time as we move beyond just language to more hands-on techniques …be prepared to get out of your seat and take part!
So grab that diary and block out the time, because as a great philosopher once said, “Ordinary people think merely of spending time, great people (i.e. BAs) think of using it”.